Monday, March 26, 2007

good holiday so far

here's a birthday card miriam made for me : ) i think the d in delphine is from disney and the p is for peanut in some sort of peanut butter bar. any other ideas?

on saturday morning matt showered me with gifts and we had cake for breakfast. we were a little groggy from 100 yen beers the night before but that didn't stop the celebrations.
after that we met our friend toshie at 10am and headed to the famous italian restaurant.i had the hair of the dog that bit me with this delicious apricot liquer drink...

then our delicious pizza arrived...yum!

this little cat peared out from some sakura to wish me a good day...

on the 25th kokusai street shut down and kids had the opportunity to show their talent with chalk drawings...

today yoshiko and her niece noriko made us a delicious tsukiyaki meal...

here's a pic matt took...

here's a photo of matt being scolded for putting some trash in the wrong bin...tsk tsk.

and here's some more cake...

one more day off, it's been a fabulous few days so far!

listening to LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiya again, i hope you got a decent present from matt for your birthday,sorry i missed it! no one tells me nothing:( speak soon,lorraine

Tuesday, 27 March, 2007  
Blogger Delphine Roussel said...

your bro treated me just fine. please don't be sorry. thank you for the birthday wishes.

Tuesday, 27 March, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Birthday Letters:

H - montreal metro
A - pet shop
P - my pepper shaker
P - map of Paris. How appropriate for you ;)
Y -

B -
R - my school excercise book from grade 2
T - strut magazine
H - a bakery? can’t remember
D - my nephew’s writing
Y - the yellow pages ’y’

D -yes... you are correct, Disney
P -again, my pepper shaker (it DOES look like Reeses)
E - from the cowboy and indians tee you sent

Tuesday, 03 April, 2007  

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