Ok, here are my top ten movies and concerts in order of preference.
Top Ten Movies1) Brokeback Mountain - This is probably one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever seen. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal are extraordinary!
2) Junebug - A total gem! Once again the acting is superb. I was transported back to my hometown with this film. So many great shots with the camera standing still on a tripod simply allowing the viewer to settle into the pace of the countryside. An unlived in living room with the sound of a grandfather clock, a well-groomed lawn with leaves rustling on a nearby tree, a well made bed on a beige carpeted floor. So calm yet so unsettling.
3) Shopgirl - Alison came up with a perfect term for this kind of film "shadowlands". I don't know why but we were blubbering uncontrollably at the end. We lost it when Steve Martin's character apologizes for the way he treated the Claire Danes character. I guess we can both relate to being mistreated by a significant other.
4) Wedding Crashers - So many funny moments. I haven't seen a good comedy like this in years.
5) Squid and the Whale - Very dark but so true to life.
6) Sin City - Visually stunning.
7) C.R.A.Z.Y. - A trip back in time, beautiful characters!
8) Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang - Nice little jabs at Hollywood which is always enjoyable.
9) Lord of War - Nicholas Cage is back!!! FINALLY!
10) Munich - I'm still on the fence about this film but I keep thinking about it, it stirred up a lot of questions which to me is a good sign. I could have done without the last half hour, the scene where he's making love to his wife and sweat is beading off his locks of hair...c'mon, the guy's super hot but that was over the top.
Top Ten Concerts1) Out Hud at The Bowery Ballroom in NYC with Mimi, Geraldine and Josuee. That was my third time seeing this band in 2005 and they were on FIRE! Thanks for introducing their music to me Dave.
2) The Go! Team at Lee’s Palace with Isy, Jenny, Bev and Alison. Lee's Palace was an oven that night, many Stella and ice cubes were melted on sweaty skin.
3) M.I.A. and LCD Soundsystem at The Opera House with Isy and Alison. The second hottest show I have ever been to next to The Go! Team. Jeezuz! I danced for about 2 hours straight "London quieten down I need to make a sound!"
4) Kasabian at Kool Haus with Alison, Brad and Duncan. "I just can't stop losing control" WOW! Thanks for enhancing our experience Duncan! Too bad about the opening band, yiks!
5) Tom Vek at The Drake with Jenny and Dave. Too bad poor little Tom started losing his voice during " I Ain't Saying My Goodbyes", his cuteness made up for it though : )
6) Arcade Fire, Final Fantasy, Wolf Parade at Danforth Music Hall with Bev, Jenny, Rob and Duncan. Sweet little Owen Palette !
7) Controller.Controller and
VHS or Beta at Lee’s Palace with Dave. VHS or Beta blew my socks off!Dave saved my life that night.
8) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and
Fembots at The Horseshoe Tavern with Mimi. We were a tad bit loaded on Cinquante when CYHSY came on then somehow ended up at a skater boy/musician/painter named Terry's place where we learned how to sign "woman". CREEPY
9) Motley Crue at Molson Amphitheatre with Jenny, Brent and Mike. Umm yeah, we watched most of the show on TV from the members only AMEX lounge. At least we got to see "Wild Side" live : ) Good times!
10) The Octopus Project at The Horseshoe Tavern with Dave. These guys are the cutest! I love how they dress the stage up with cardboard robots and wear fun little masks.
I'm sure I've forgotten some good ones. It's been a stellar year for shows.